Compact wireless medical device for instant intraoperative radionuclide diagnostics and biopsy of sentry lymph nodes.

Registration certificate No. RZN 2022/16914 dated 04/15/2022 was issued. Order dated April 15, 2022 No. 3020

прибор гамма-детектор

This class of instruments helps to detect the patient's “sentry lymph nodes” directly during surgery and aids the surgeon in determining the required volume of lymphatic dissection.

Working principle

Using the GAMMA DETECTOR is based on scintillators - substances that emit light when absorbing ionizing radiation. The photoelectron multiplier captures light radiation emitted by the scintillator, converts it into electrical pulses and transmits them to the meter. The intensity of radiation is determined by the number of pulses recorded per unit of time.

Сontents of delivery

The device has a wide range of clinical applications in oncology

The Gamma Detector performance exceeds most foreign analogues by a number of parameters

система лимфоузлов человека

Device Properties​

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The device helps to identify sentry lymph nodes directly during surgery, which helps the surgeon to determine the volume of lymphatic dissection right at the operating table

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The device allows quick and reliable identification even of lymph nodes hidden behind the patient's tissues and located in poorly predictable places

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The radiopharm drug used ( which is administered to the patient well in advance of surgery, according to the findings of the FDA and the European Health Commission) is of the class recognized as safest of all presently used

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The radiopharm drug is lymphotropic, quickly spreading through tissues and accumulating only in sentry lymph nodes, allowing them to be detected confidently and quickly

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Easy to use

The device is easy to use and requires no additional knowledge of radiology or engineering sciences, allowing a practicing surgeon to focus on performing surgery

Device Properties

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Прибор помогает определять сторожевые лимфоузлы непосредственно во время операции, что помогает хирургу оперативно определить объем лимфатической диссекции​

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The device allows quick and reliable identification even of lymph nodes hidden behind the patient's tissues and located in poorly predictable places

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The radiopharm drug used ( which is administered to the patient well in advance of surgery, according to the findings of the FDA and the European Health Commission) is of the class recognized as safest of all presently used

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The radiopharm drug is lymphotropic, quickly spreading through tissues and accumulating only in sentry lymph nodes, allowing them to be detected confidently and quickly

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Easy to use

The device is easy to use and requires no additional knowledge of radiology or engineering sciences, allowing a practicing surgeon to focus on performing surgery

Possible uses of
Gamma Detector

Rapid diagnostics

Diagnostic using the Gamma detector is performed instantly, unlike the classical biopsy procedure

State of the art technologies

A device bringing high tech into conventional surgery


Rapid service, warranty repair with replacement device provided for the duration of repair. The full production cycle is concentrated on the territory of the Russian Federation

Patient trust improvement

Foreign practice of using such devices shows that patients tend to trust the medical institution more

Patient survival

Using the device allows to perform functional-sparing operations, improving the patients' quality of life

Free testing of the device for new customers

Release forms of
Gamma Detector

gamma detector standard and laparascopic versions

Advantages of
Gamma Detector

кейс гамма-детектор

Made in Russia

Manufactured according to Russian patents, at Russian enterprises using Russian equipment and components

Easy to use

The device does not require complex configuration procedures


The device is wireless, with extended operation time on a single battery charge. Charging is provided by a wireless docking station

Apply for a Gamma Detector

Registration certificate No. RZN 2022/16914 dated 04/15/2022 was issued. Order dated April 15, 2022 No. 3020

Justification of the method

Use of this class of devices is included in state-of-the art foreign methods and confirmed by major medical societies associations, such as:


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